Foreigner's Agent Provocateur was up first for me. I thought, "is today a good day for Foreigner?" and that was quickly followed with, "don't be an idjit. EVERYDAY is Foreigner day." Side hip thrusts for Agent Provocateur!

Here is Steven, looking slightly disheveled with this new 7" from Ceschi with Count On It.

I had a huge change up with Redd Foxx's You Gotta Wash Your Ass. Timeless.

Steven got Push Button Objects' 360 Degrees Remix from Prefuse 73. I actually have this too. Go us!

I got Paquito D'Rivera next, with Live At Keystone Korner. He is a Cuban saxophonist that I have never listened to until now. Very good, but I wasn't in a bebop jazz mood today, so I didn't listen to the whole thing. Most of it though! I will save it for a later date.

Steven got real lucky with this next 12", Cyne-Running Water. It has remixes by Four Tet and Floyd the Locsmif, two artists I enjoy very much.

The Spinners were up next for me with Yesterday Today & Tomorrow. I was definitely not in the mood to hear sappy love songs (80's love ballads by Foreigner, yes) so I had very little patience with this. Although I enjoy Honey, I'm in Love With You and You're Throwing A Good Love Away, I think I can trade this album. It's driving me crazy that I can't remember who sampled the beginning of You're Throwing A Good Love Away, it's right on the tip of my tongue...grr! I will probably wake up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, shouting it. Don't worry, I will make an edit.

3 record LP up next for Steven, DJ Shortee-The Dreamer from Bomb Hip Hop Records.

A 45 was next for me, Creedence Clearwater Revival with Bad Moon Rising and Lodi on the flip. Is there ever a time that this song isn't amazing?

Since Steven got caught up with his 3 LP, I got to go hunting again. The Persuasions-Street Corner Symphony. This was one of my first records I bought and I haven't listened to it in years. The cover of The Man in Me is so excellent. I found out today that Frank Zappa was responsible for their first album being recorded. Reason why Frank Zappa is cool #183. Love this cover photo, which is by Ron St. Claire, who I can't find a single thing about on the world wide internets. Damn.

Finally, Steven's hip hop vinyl was done, so he got to move on to some amazing jazz. He lucked out with Les McCann & Eddie Harris with Swiss Movement.

I got a rare 10" next, Boss Hog-Girl+ EP. Boss Hog is Jon Spencer and his super sexy wife, Cristina Martinez. This came in a crate of practically near mint records I bought all at once. There are a ton of things in there that I plan on selling on ebay. This is one of them, although, it was pretty good.

One of my favorite hip hop/electronic artists is Steven's next pick, Alias w/ Marcus Archer-Unseen Sights.

I got some more jazz with Dave Brubeck and Jay & Kai at Newport. There is a damn sweet photo on the back that I just had to scan. After some diddling in PS, it's now a new banner for my site. Thank you Mr. Brubeck!

I just want to see the photos those cameras took. man. The caption under the photo says, "The First Camera Quartet".

Steven got to get funky before he went to bed with Charles Earland-Black Talk!

My last pick was the soulful Esther Phillips with Performance. INCREDIBLE! I actually listened to it twice, and I'll probably listen to it a third time before I put it back. I really hope I have more Esther Phillips in my collection.

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