Steven's first rummage brought him to this fine release from Diplo back in '05, Hollertronix #3. I don't have it in my collection, but I damn near should. I have slacked on my Diplo vinyl, just barely being able to pick up the I Like Turtles mix.

Steven made me go digging in my 45s, about a quarter of which are promos from my time spent working in record stores. Interpol-The Heinrich Maneuver with Mammoth Instrumental on the flip side. This is from the '07 album, Our Love to Admire. I'm not the biggest Interpol fan, but if you are and want to purchase this (or trade!), then send me an email or leave a comment with contact info.

Steven made a nice transition with his second find, the dubby '08 release, Skream-Midnight Request Line.

One of my favorite trumpeters, Hugh Masekela was up next for me. A '67 release, Hugh Masekela's Latest. Side 2 was much more enjoyable to me, for it had more instrumentals, although it was a bit samba-ish.

One of my favorite current LA artists is Steven's 3rd find. The extremely talented Aloe Blacc with Dance For Life from Stones Throw. I'm pretty sure I have this somewhere, but, if I don't, I need it.

Hot Chocolate - Man on Man is probably the most ambiguously gay title I've ever heard, regardless, it was the next thing I listened to. I now want "Heaven Is In the Back Seat of My Cadillac" on a shirt. And I want it now.

Steven also got a chance to get his groove on with the 1988 12" T La Rock-Flow With the New Style.

A 12" was also up next for me with the Canadian hip hop duo, Swollen Members with Lady Venom. I think I had plans for this instrumental at one point in time, but I don't anymore. This goes in the "to trade" stack. Or, like I said above, you can let me know if you are interested in it.
Steven's next pick was also from a Canadian hip hop duo, Bending Mouth with The E.P.. Thesis Sahib and Self Help make up Bending Mouth and this EP was released on Vulgar Records back in '04.

I really lucked out with the 5th album Steven sent me hunting for. George Benson with Body Talk. It was arranged and conducted by Pee Wee Ellis of James Brown fame. Earl Klugh is the other guitarist and everything all together makes this a great album. Also, if you know my photography, you know I love the cover! A weird little fact is that Pee Wee Ellis now resides in the county of Somerset, just like Steven! See, this game is fun :)

Steven wasn't as lucky with his next pick, Lenny White with Venusian Summer. Apparently, he wasn't too fond of it. Time to trade!

Luck was with me again when Steven made me go find Ray Bryant's Me and the Blues, from 1974. This is a double vinyl and has beautiful instrumentals of your favorite blues songs. Quite a moving pianist. His rendition of Angel Eyes almost brought me to tears and deserved a second listen.

Up next for Steven is a 12" from Shockout, a sublabel of a label I have been fond of for years, Tigerbeat 6. Tracks are versions of Buckle Up by Wayne Lonesome made by The Bug and Kid606. Makes me want to go dig up some of my Kid606.
And since my double LP from above has been playing for a looong time, Steven is up with his next pick, Fred Wesley and the Horny Horns with A Blow For Me, A Toot For You. So, not only was it a bit weird that Pee Wee Ellis now lives in Somerset, but Steven goes and randomly picks out another JB allstar. Are our hunting patterns not so random afterall? Strange.

you are amazing! I cannot wait until i have enough records to play this game!